New Blogger Should always Remember this 5 Things

 New Blogger Should always Remember this 5 Things

1. Patience always yields sweet fruit  

Mostly new blogger are fails due to this reason . new blogger are expecting very much in very short period of time.
so take some patience and work hard for your blog . get apply Adsense on your blog . place ads on your blog and start working
with your blog.
but first make a blog with a quality content . and don't forget this a  good quality  content is always followed by huge of traffic.

2. Update the Blog Regularly

Every blogger has to update their blog regularly . so that you can get a good network with good traffic .
and update your skill regularly  so that reader can also enjoy your blog .
for your blog you are a update your personal blog regularly with a quality content.

3. Get the Traffic with social sites

Now a days every one is on social sites . so update your blog regularly and share the every post link in your social site
and get the traffic from social sites
Like Facebook , Twitter , Google+ etc.

4. Search Engine Optimization is big factor for blog

every blogger should know about the SEO(Search Engine Optimization)
and every website get huge amount of traffic from the Search Engine.
and once you are in  good position in  (SERP) Search Engine Ranking position then you can get good traffic and if you not then you get low
traffic . new blogger can not avoid the SEO.

5. Never post the Copy content in your blog 

Lots of new blogger wants to earn more money from adsense . for that they copy the content from other website and paste in their own blog
but as Google adsense rule they never give you money on copy content .
better that  you write your own articles.
so that avoid they copy and paste in your blog

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